You Are A “Victor” – Not A “Victim”!

Posted on March 27, 2013. Filed under: Religion | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


There is a lot of exposure of various lies and propaganda on FaceBook, YouTube and on other websites and blogs like this one. These all are a marvelous medium of enlightenment. I would like to add to that enlightenment a little more at this time if I may. In doing so I want to expose the greatest lie of all. So please listen carefully to my words. They are about who and what I am or who and what you are.

“I AM” pure awareness plugged into a self-aware mechanism. That means that “I AM” is experiencing itself AS “someone”, somewhere, at some time, in some way and for some reason. That someone is YOU and I. The truth is that “I AM” (is) pure potentiality. But “I AM” (is) limited in the expression of “myself” in this form according to the deep seated subconscious beliefs of the self-aware mechanism that is known as “me”.

To please God and allow God to experience itself IN “us” AS “us” we have to believe about ourselves the same things that Jesus believed about Himself – for He fully pleased God in this manner. (except we don’t have to DIE (on the cross) because Jesus already did this for us – Hebrews 1-2) The “illusion” of “separation” (from God) is what “sin” actually is. It is “unbelief” in the TRUTH of the WAY it actually is. SIN is a belief in what we have erroneously heard from “others” about this matter.

Concerning this – who are you following? Is it Jesus or others? What are you believing about this? Is it what Jesus taught or the traditions of men? In order to find out – all you have to do is read what Jesus said about this throughout the entire book of John and also read what Paul the apostle explained about it in Ephesians 1-3 and Colossians 1-2. For a greater clarification of these scriptures try reading them in the Amplified Version. Do you REALLY want to be FREE? Believing the TRUTH (about this) is the ONLY thing that will make you TRULY FREE.

Free from what? FREE from the deception of believing a lie about this and the resulting bondage and general “hell” that it brings into your life. The TRUTH is that NO ONE is actually “in control” of your life experience but YOU. You are NOT a “victim” (unless you believe that you are). You are a “victor”. Do you want to TRULY take control of your life and experience the JOY that THIS brings?

Then begin to put your attention, time and energy into changing your inner beliefs about this and you will change your outer experience as a result. The outer experience is only a 3D fully interactive, holographic projection of your inner beliefs. “As a person believes in their hearts – so is their perceived experience of themselves.” “All things are possible – IF you believe that it is.”

People asked Jesus, (I paraphrase) “What do we have to do to please God?” Jesus answered, “Just “Believe” the TRUTH about your REAL relationship with God like I do!” Satan convinced Adam and Eve to believe a LIE about this. Jesus came to teach us the TRUTH about it, give us an example of it and a WAY to believe about it in order to experience this for ourselves. That is the “gospel” in a nutshell.

We just need to TRULY “repent” (change our minds) about what we believe about this, be “converted” to a new belief about it and let our lives be transformed into the image of Christ by having our minds renewed by this TRUTH! This “sounds” simple enough doesn’t it?. But it takes a whole hearted “come hell or high water – I am in this regardless of the consequences” kind of commitment in order to convince your inner man of this and actually see the results in your outer life. But anything worth having is worth paying the price for.

The ONLY REAL question now is, “How MUCH do you want to REALLY please God”? It is much easier to just be “religious” to one degree or another in one form or another for one reason or another. Which will YOU choose? Being “religious” is only just “another” means of “living for yourself” just like outright “sinners” do. Only now you are doing it “in the name of the Lord”. That is what constitutes ANY religion. It is humankind trying to please an external God. It can’t be done. Why? There isn’t any such being!

Most people live their entire lives trying to impress others (whether they admit it to themselves or not). They perceive that others can give them what they want or either will NOT do to them what they do NOT want. These are the results of favor or disfavor with others. All consciousness is PRIMARILY motivated by the effort to avoid PAIN or gain PLEASURE. That constitutes ALL “intelligence”. I.E. Anything that “makes sense” to us. It “computes” somehow. We can “relate” to it.

God has “learned” over the eons of His existence the BEST way to get the most pleasure with the least amount of effort for the longest amount of time. If we accept the we ARE a form that God has taken (a “son” or “daughter” then we will have “no more worries”! Peace that passes all understanding and joy unspeakable will be ours! How can you top that?

So if God wants to experience Himself in this WAY in human bodies – why don’t you LET Him? YOU (the sense of “self”) get to “go along for the ride”! I can’t really think of a better way to live can you? THIS is what it means to be an “overcomer”. Overcoming your former perceived limitations brought on by your erroneous beliefs about who and what you are. The Bible teaches that it is only the “overcomers” who get “rewarded” with the “benefits” of their new belief about the TRUTH of this matter.

Are you REALLY an “overcomer” in DEED or just in WORD only? (I.E. “religious”) The answer to that is in the following question. What does your life show or reveal about this? Christianity (and all other religions) for the most part is made up of “preachers” who don’t really know who and what they are – so they strive to gain a following of admirers – who know even less about who and what “they” are! Otherwise, such a system would not even exist. It ONLY serves the adherents of this system in one way or another – not God! ALL of these “works” will be BURNED UP on JUDGEMENT DAY!

If you can “endure the pain” of ACTUALLY THINKING OBJECTIVELY about this – you will be able to see that I am right. But most people have their sense of significance and security so tied up in THEIR way of BEING and DOING that they WILL NOT let themselves embrace the TRUTH of this matter. THAT is why the “church” of Jesus’ day crucified Him! It was the only way to keep from being shown up by Him for what they were! They HEARD the TRUTH about this from Him and they saw enough evidence to verify it – but they could not bring themselves to embrace it.

It appears that most people would rather “rule” their own lives now and serve in HELL forever rather than “serve” God with their lives now and RULE in HEAVEN forever! Sad but true. Oh well. Jesus himself said that only a remnant would actually be “saved”. But I pray that someone will be able to benefit from these precious words that I have shared here.

One way to begin this new way of thinking about your relationship to God is to become “mindful” of your thoughts throughout the day. The only other alternative is to continue “mindlessly” going about your day based on your former thoughts about this matter. Start “paying attention” to what you are thinking. Become aware whether your thoughts are based on the truth revealed above or on the lie exposed above. If it is the latter then replace those thoughts with others that are based on the truth. Use scriptures to help you with this.

As you continue this process – you will be able to do it more and more. You will become more aware of what you are thinking throughout the day. If you are diligent in this process – it will eventually become a new habit. That will produce a new “life” that is pleasing to God.

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